Be Like Taylor

All Too Well.

Taylor Swift is shunned for her “juvenile” recounting of every failed love affair. She’s scorned for her emotive retelling of every heartbreak and memory. But what if it’s the rest of us that are wrong in our false maturity?

What if fighting these truths, these instincts and feelings is the real immaturity? What if the wisdom of age actually looks like telling our stories bravely without the need to hide in the shadows? Why are we taught to dishonor the pain and joy we experience? Why are we compelled to hide away the damages that shape the statues that we become after the chisel impact?

Is vulnerability uncovering these emotions and putting them on display for the whole world or are we more at risk when we don the fragile mask that we all wear to cover our realities and hide the flaws that have created us?

Why are we so ashamed of the pain we feel? These lows and highs are the very things that set us apart from other animals that roam the earth. Emotion is the “divine spark” that makes us human, and we’re taught to resist this part of ourselves. We’re told we should not feel, but if we must, that it should stay hidden.

It’s another form of striving… It’s another unnecessary fight. What if we could be like Taylor, acknowledging our pain from the rooftops and letting those feelings make us billionaires? Her honesty resonates. Let’s stop judging her for it.